Breaking News:

Publicado el 1 June, 2018

Empresas Taylor names two new Port and Pilot launches

Empresas Taylor names two new Port and Pilot launches


In addition, at the ceremony held in Puerto Central, Empresas Taylor launched its new website.


On Wednesday 30th, Empresas Taylor held the traditional naming ceremony of its new Port and Pilot Launches, “Taylor Dalcahue” and “Taylor Elqui”, at berth 7 of Puerto Central Terminal in San Antonio, in the latest addition to the renewed fleet that its related company Ian Taylor has acquired to provide services to its customers in Chile and Peru.

The Taylor Dalcahue and Taylor Elqui launches were blessed by Father Jaime Herrera, Pastor of the Parish of Our Lady of Puerto Claro, of Valparaiso, and their godmothers are Mrs. Carolina Cruz and Mrs. Ludivine Philippon, respectively. LPP Taylor Dalcahue will be assigned to San Antonio Bay and LPP Taylor Elqui to Valparaiso and Quintero Bays.

“With these two launches built in 2018, plus the ones we have consistently added in recent years, we are strengthening our fleet consistently with the development of the company and with the needs of our customers along the west coast of South America,” said Matthew Taylor, CEO of Taylor.

The two new boats, as well as those incorporated in recent years into Ian Taylor’s fleet, were built at Ascon shipyard in Puerto Montt and among their characteristics are their steel hull, their capacity for 11 people, a bollard pull of 6,5 tons, an operating speed of 12 knots and a maximum speed of 18 knots. They have an overall length of 14.14 meters, a molded beam of 4.47 meters and a draught of 0.80 meters, in addition to propulsion with two shafts and fixed pitch propellers, with 2 Man D 2676 main engines of 440 horsepower at 1,800 rpm.

Empresas Taylor, both in Chile and abroad, is implementing an investment plan to increase and strengthen Ian Taylor’s fleet, providing timely responses to its customers’ needs.


New website


Taking advantage of the presence of authorities, customers and special guests, Empresas Taylor announced the launch of its new website that same day. Now Empresas Taylor and its subsidiaries Ian Taylor, Southern Cross Chartering and Taylor Logistics, have a unified website at localhost, thanks to which customers and users can easily find the information they need.

“With the new website, our customers will be able to access online information on the status of their cargo and other valuable data for tracking, as well as important information that will be very useful in their various processes. The improvements of our website, besides being made to modernize it and to project an image of Empresas Taylor in accordance with its current level of development, were developed to facilitate the access of our clients to information that is relevant to them and that is part of what they value. Our new website, in addition to being a responsive page, allows us to have a digital platform, robust, modern, with a fast interaction and a vision of the future.” said Matthew Taylor.
