Breaking News:

Publicado el 9 January, 2018

Empresas Taylor names new launch and strengthens its presence in the bay of Concepción

The launch is part of an investment plan aimed at improving the performance of its related company Ian Taylor in Chile and Peru.


In the year of its fiftieth anniversary, Empresas Taylor has carried out an investment plan in both Chile and Peru, whose objective is to renew and strengthen the fleet of its flagship company, Ian Taylor, and thus continue to provide a service of excellence to its clients.


Following this plan, the traditional naming ceremony of Port and Pilot Launch, “Taylor Alicura” recently took place at Berth N° 1 of the TTP Port Terminal in Talcahuano, becoming the first of three boats that the company will receive this year and with which Ian Taylor will strengthen its fleet of launches in Chile.


“These boats and others that are planned will allow us to provide support services to ships that call at Chilean ports, safely and efficiently,” said Christopher Taylor, Executive Vice President of Taylor Enterprises.


Regarding the Investment Plan, Christopher Taylor added that apart from the incorporation of boats in Chile, the group of companies is also strengthening its tugboat fleet in Peru. “Soon, Ian Taylor Peru will commission a pair of ASD tugboats of more than 60 tons of bollard pull, built by the Dutch shipyard Damen – one of them with FiFi 1 capacity for firefighting – which will allow us to complement our offer of tugs in that country. ”


The “Taylor Alicura” was built in 2016 at the Ascon shipyard in Puerto Montt and its features include its steel hull, its capacity for 11 people, a bollard pull of 6, 5 tons and an operating speed of 12 knots.


The launch was blessed by Father Germán Hermosilla, parish priest of the parish of Our Lady of Candelaria de Tomé and the sponsor was Mrs. Gabriela Schmidt.


Soon, the company will receive the launches Batro and Calafquén, which will be destined to the bays of Valparaíso and Coquimbo respectively.
