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For their manoeuvres, ships calling or leaving a port require the use of tugs and support boats. The fleet division, under the Ian Taylor brand, carries out <strong>two major activities:</strong>


Boat service

Launches for transfer of port pilots to ships calling at the ports of Chile and Peru.

Vessels for the transfer of Magellan Strait Pilots in open seas (oceanic)

These launches are classified as ocean-going launches by the Maritime Authority

Empresas Taylor owns two boats to serve the requirements of its customers in this area, the ANOKA and KAITEK.

  • Anoka

    16 Kts / Bahía Félix

  • Kaitek

    18 Kts / Posesión

Launches that transfer Port Pilots

These launches are smaller ships according to the national classification and in addition to transferring port pilots, they are also used to carry out the following services to the ships that berth in the port:

  • Support for the mooring and unlocking of the ships in port
  • Transfer of authorities to the reception and dispatch of ships to the tour
  • Transfer of spare parts, equipment and merchandise between the dock and the ships
  • Cargo service to bunkering or other smaller vessels
  • Coastal fishing trailer with machine failures
  • Support service in the control of pollution at sea


The fleet of boats for Port Pilots is composed of five units in Chile and one in Peru.

The last three vessels, in addition to complying with the regulations recently promulgated by the Maritime Authority, have special capacities for transport and delivery of lubricants in drums and carry out backleg removal tasks, with an adequate Bollar Pull in the cases of bunkering ships and other similar .

  • Kipa

    18 Kts / Punta Arenas

  • Taylor Alicura

    18 Kts / Talcahuano

  • Taylor Batro

    18 Kts / Coquimbo

  • Taylor Calafquén

    18 Kts / Mejillones

  • Río Conay

    12 Kts / Arica

  • Ampay

    11 Kts / Callao

  • Taylor Dalcahue

    18 Kts / San Antonio

  • Taylor Elqui

    18 Tts / Valparaíso Quintero

Tugboat service

The service of tugboats in a port consists of assisting the ships to carry out docking and docking manoeuvres quickly and safely. Tugboats are required for the following service:

In seaports and maritime terminals:

  • Docking and undocking at the quay
  • Mooring and unmooring from buoys or terminals
  • Towage of ships from port to anchorage

In coastal areas and the high seas:

  • Coastal and offshore towing of ships or naval appliances
  • Maritime rescue and rescue operations
  • The fleet of tugboats owned by Empresas Taylor is currently providing services in the main ports of Peru, a country in which it has been present since the 1960’s, being a relevant actor in this area.
  • The tug fleet in Peru is composed of 5 units.
  • In Chile, Empresas Taylor owns one tugboat, Tayco V, currently under bareboat charter.
  • Tayco V

    BP= 45 Tons / Rondoy - Painta

  • Tayco Ampato

    BP= 58 Tons / Callao

  • Tayco Rasac

    BP= 60 Tons / Callao

  • Tayco Salcantay

    BP= 45 Tons / Callao

  • Tayco Alpamayo

    BP= 32 Tons / Callao

  • Tayco Rondoy

    BP= 60 Tons / Paita