Breaking News:

Publicado el 16 September, 2024

Ian Taylor agency ships unloaded more than 18,000 vehicles in Peru in the first half of 2024

A significant number of rolling stock was unloaded in Peru during the first half of 2024 by vessels Agency by Ian Taylor.

A total of 18,392 vehicles were unloaded in the port of Callao in 12 calls of vessels of the shipping lines that the subsidiary of Empresas Taylor represents in this country.

The detail indicates that, in June, Ian Taylor in Peru agency vessels unloaded 3,441 units; May 3,094; April 2,425; March 2,838; February 3,721; January 2,873.

Among the vehicles unloaded were cars of different makes, trucks, vans and electric buses, among others.

For Rocio Ponce, Country Manager of Ian Taylor in Peru, “despite some logistical problems that have arisen in some ports around the world or on routes, we have been able, together with our representatives, EUKOR and WWO, as well as the work of our employees, to meet the requests of our customers, thus contributing to the automotive market in Peru. We hope to continue on this path in the second half of the year and continue doing our work with the excellence that we always strive to achieve”.



