Breaking News:

Publicado el 16 September, 2024

Ian Taylor agencies ships in Valparaiso participating in the UNITAS 2024 naval exercise

As a result of years of experience working with different Navies around the world, Ian Taylor was nominated to agency and attend in the port of Valparaiso, between 2 and 12 September, 7 ships participating in the naval exercise UNITAS 2024, an international meeting led by the Chilean Navy that brought together 25 countries, 19 ships, 2 submarines and 19 aircraft in exercises that took place on the coasts of Coquimbo, Valparaiso and Punta Arenas.

In recognition of the excellent performance of the operations carried out previously, the subsidiary of Empresas Taylor has agency ships of the US Navy, the Navy of Argentina, Peru, Colombia and Mexico, putting at their disposal the necessary and prepared personnel to attend efficiently and successfully all the requirements that these ships need during their stay.

According to Eduardo Varas, Ian Taylor’s Agency Commercial Manager, ‘the trust placed in us makes us feel proud and very responsible in view of the great deployment of resources and human capital that such a large-scale operation generates by attending to 7 ships simultaneously and for such an extended period of time’.

With the participation of more than 4,000 people, UNITAS is the oldest naval exercise in the world, allowing participating navies to share experiences and knowledge in naval operations, reinforcing security and stability in the South Pacific and promoting cooperation in natural disasters and maritime security.




